Saturday, December 1, 2012
Newborn Pics
Here are some of sweet Paige's newborn pictures! They turned out so good...especially for a baby who refused to sleep during the photo shoot:) Since she wouldn't sleep her eyes were wide open. Almost every time the flash went off she would make these really (I don't want to say ugly) but interesting faces with her eyes all scrunched together and she wouldn't sit still for the life of her haha but Shelbie Goff did an amazing job. We love the pictures and we love our baby!!!
Saturday, November 24, 2012
And 2 becomes 3
I know this post is about 6 weeks late but better late than never:) I can't believe my baby is finally here! When I first found out I was pregnant October seemed so far away. Being sick for a lot of the 40 weeks didn't make time go by any faster but I found as October 12th came closer I was wanting time to slow down. I wanted to spend more time with Tyler before baby came. I was nervous and scared about having a baby, being a mom. Tyler and I can barely take care of ourselves let alone a little baby:) but now that she is here I can't even imagine not having her in our lives. She is the sweetest thing and she makes us so happy!
Warning: Lengthy post!
It was a long road getting Paige here...especially the last 3 weeks. I went to the doctor at 37 weeks and he informed me that I was dilated to a 4 and 70% effaced. He told me that he wouldn't be surprised if the baby was here within the week. Well that was the wrong thing to say to me. Tyler always tells me I hear what I want to hear...and he is right. So in my mind I heard your baby will be here this week. I got my hopes up pretty high and then she didn't come. At my 38 week appointment the Dr. told me I was dilated to a 5 and 80% effaced. He stripped my membranes and told me this baby would be here any day. She didn't come that week either. So I went to my 39 week visit and I was still at a 5 and 80% effaced. The nurse told me she didn't even know how I was walking...haha but I felt fine. I didn't feel anything. I didn't have any pressure or contractions. Nothing. So Dr. stripped my membranes again and told me that she should come any day...but she still didn't come. Because I was so far dilated the doctor scheduled to induce me on Thursday the 11th (one day before my due date). We were so excited...until I got a call from the hospital on Wednesday night telling me they couldn't induce me the next day because they had too many over due ladies needing to get in. And that is when the flood gates broke. I cried and cried for quite a while. They told me they would try and get me in on Saturday. So we had no other option but to wait a few more days...which seems like weeks.
On Saturday we called the hospital at 5:30 in the morning and they told us to be there by 6:30 and we would get started. So we packed our car and headed to the hospital talking about how the next time we came home we would have a little baby with us! As we were walking in the doors to the hospital I got a call from the labor and delivery until telling us we had to go back home because they just had a lady in active labor come in and she took first priority. They told us they would call us in a few hours. So we went back home empty handed and totally discouraged. We hadn't heard from the hospital by 9:30 so Tyler called and they told us to call back at 12:00. So we called at 12:00 and they told us they would call us that afternoon. At 3:30 we got a call informing us if we were there by 4:30 they would induce me. So the excitement began again until we got another call at 4:00 telling us someone had come in and they were in active labor and that they might not get us in that day. Also they said they don't induce on Sundays and Monday they already had 3 inductions scheduled. I pretty much thought our baby was never going to get here! So after a long day of waiting we pretty much gave up. Around 7:00 my doctor called and told me that it might be a long night but if we were up to it we could come in at 8:00 and get started. We told him we were be there:) Honestly that was one of the worst days ever. I am not good at playing the waiting patience. I was pretty much a hot mess all day.
We got the the hospital at 8:00. The doctor came in and gave me two options. He could break my water with no epidural and I would have a quick labor with a lot of pain or I could get the epidural, wait for my water to break on it's own, not feel anything but have a longer labor. I went with option pain...I am not tough at all. So after an IV and epidural, throwing up 8 times, watching What Happens in Vegas on TV, 8 and 1/2 hours of labor (pushing for 2 and 1/2 hours), and lots of ice chips our beautiful (totally cone head) baby girl was born at 7:00 a.m. Paige Elizabeth Patterson weighed 8 lbs 14oz and was 21 inches long. The first thing the doctor said was this baby has a big head...that is what every mother dreams of first hearing about her baby right? haha Once he got her whole body out he said she is just a big baby all together...and he was right. She is a little chunk but we love her chubby cheeks with the cute dimples and her double (sometimes triple) chin!
The last 6 weeks have been better than I imagined. Becoming a parent is life changing. It is a total adjustment...but it's a good adjustment. I told Tyler last Saturday night that we should sleep in on Sunday. He looked at me and laughed...told me if Paige wants to sleep in then we could too. I totally forgot that sleeping in is very dependent upon our baby and what she wants to do:) There have been multiple times that I just wonder what I am even doing, many feelings of inadequacy, and lots of phone calls to my mom wondering what I should do and if this or that is normal. Even though all Paige does is basically eat, sleep, and poop we are so grateful to have her sweet little spirit in our home! I am also grateful for Tyler. He is amazing. He was great to put up with me for 40 weeks of pregnancy, I couldn't have made it through labor without him there cheering me on, and as I look to the future I know he will always be there right by my side. One of my favorite things so far has been watching Ty with Paige. Not gonna lie...he was slightly disappointed that we weren't having a boy but from the second he first held her you could tell Paige had him wrapped around her little finger...which is right where he should be:)
Paige, I can't promise you that mom and dad will always be perfect. I can't promise you that we will always know what to do. I can't promise you that we won't mess up sometimes. But I can promise you that we will always love you and try our hardest to be the best parents that we can be! We love you baby girl!
Warning: Lengthy post!
It was a long road getting Paige here...especially the last 3 weeks. I went to the doctor at 37 weeks and he informed me that I was dilated to a 4 and 70% effaced. He told me that he wouldn't be surprised if the baby was here within the week. Well that was the wrong thing to say to me. Tyler always tells me I hear what I want to hear...and he is right. So in my mind I heard your baby will be here this week. I got my hopes up pretty high and then she didn't come. At my 38 week appointment the Dr. told me I was dilated to a 5 and 80% effaced. He stripped my membranes and told me this baby would be here any day. She didn't come that week either. So I went to my 39 week visit and I was still at a 5 and 80% effaced. The nurse told me she didn't even know how I was walking...haha but I felt fine. I didn't feel anything. I didn't have any pressure or contractions. Nothing. So Dr. stripped my membranes again and told me that she should come any day...but she still didn't come. Because I was so far dilated the doctor scheduled to induce me on Thursday the 11th (one day before my due date). We were so excited...until I got a call from the hospital on Wednesday night telling me they couldn't induce me the next day because they had too many over due ladies needing to get in. And that is when the flood gates broke. I cried and cried for quite a while. They told me they would try and get me in on Saturday. So we had no other option but to wait a few more days...which seems like weeks.
On Saturday we called the hospital at 5:30 in the morning and they told us to be there by 6:30 and we would get started. So we packed our car and headed to the hospital talking about how the next time we came home we would have a little baby with us! As we were walking in the doors to the hospital I got a call from the labor and delivery until telling us we had to go back home because they just had a lady in active labor come in and she took first priority. They told us they would call us in a few hours. So we went back home empty handed and totally discouraged. We hadn't heard from the hospital by 9:30 so Tyler called and they told us to call back at 12:00. So we called at 12:00 and they told us they would call us that afternoon. At 3:30 we got a call informing us if we were there by 4:30 they would induce me. So the excitement began again until we got another call at 4:00 telling us someone had come in and they were in active labor and that they might not get us in that day. Also they said they don't induce on Sundays and Monday they already had 3 inductions scheduled. I pretty much thought our baby was never going to get here! So after a long day of waiting we pretty much gave up. Around 7:00 my doctor called and told me that it might be a long night but if we were up to it we could come in at 8:00 and get started. We told him we were be there:) Honestly that was one of the worst days ever. I am not good at playing the waiting patience. I was pretty much a hot mess all day.

Thanks to all our friends and family that came and visited us in the hospital!
The last 6 weeks have been better than I imagined. Becoming a parent is life changing. It is a total adjustment...but it's a good adjustment. I told Tyler last Saturday night that we should sleep in on Sunday. He looked at me and laughed...told me if Paige wants to sleep in then we could too. I totally forgot that sleeping in is very dependent upon our baby and what she wants to do:) There have been multiple times that I just wonder what I am even doing, many feelings of inadequacy, and lots of phone calls to my mom wondering what I should do and if this or that is normal. Even though all Paige does is basically eat, sleep, and poop we are so grateful to have her sweet little spirit in our home! I am also grateful for Tyler. He is amazing. He was great to put up with me for 40 weeks of pregnancy, I couldn't have made it through labor without him there cheering me on, and as I look to the future I know he will always be there right by my side. One of my favorite things so far has been watching Ty with Paige. Not gonna lie...he was slightly disappointed that we weren't having a boy but from the second he first held her you could tell Paige had him wrapped around her little finger...which is right where he should be:)
Paige, I can't promise you that mom and dad will always be perfect. I can't promise you that we will always know what to do. I can't promise you that we won't mess up sometimes. But I can promise you that we will always love you and try our hardest to be the best parents that we can be! We love you baby girl!
I love my husband!
I love my baby!
I love my family!
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Our lovely Summer
Somehow every year summer comes and then it goes...way too fast! At the start of summer I am always so excited and look forward to the fun things planned and before I know it I am looking back at wonderful memories and wondering how time cruised by so fast . Usually this depresses me but this year only I have been okay with summer flying by because baby girl comes in the fall:) This summer was crazy...literally every weekend planned out before June even hit but it was totally worth running around all the time, sleeping in tents on the ground (super prego and uncomfortable), and not taking showers for days. The majority of weekends were spent at family reunions, camping, running the river, and being with the people we love.
And to end our summer my brother Cole got married. It was a beautiful wedding. We love Kelsey and are so excited to have her be a part of our family.
4th of July BBQ
We spent 5 days on the Salmon river with my family
27 weeks
I love my husband!
It rained the last night and morning on the river
We had an awesome family reunion with Ty's family up by West Yellowstone.
We also got a chance to go through the park. It was a blast!
All of Tyler's cousins
My cute cousin Kamrie got married at the beginning of August!
While we were down in Utah for her wedding my sweet aunts and grandma threw my sister-in-law Kelsey and I a bridal/baby shower. Thanks to all my family and friends who came and threw the shower. It was a blast!
Also that weekend we had a family reunion with my mom's family. We spent one day up at Snowbird. It was fun to be with the whole family.
And to end our summer my brother Cole got married. It was a beautiful wedding. We love Kelsey and are so excited to have her be a part of our family.
So there is a little look into our summer. I need to be better at taking pictures and also writing on this blog. I am sure in the next couple weeks things will change because we will have a little sweetie to blog about. Three and a half's kind of a scary thought. Being pregnant has been an awesome experience but it has been the most physically challenging thing that I have ever done. I pretty much have felt nauseous from morning until night. I remember being at 12 weeks and thinking that October would never come and there have been many times in the last 9 months that I seriously thought 40 weeks would never get here. Sometimes I kinda just wanted to give up...but that obviously wasn't an option and now I am glad that it wasn't an option because I made it through and we are almost there! In just a few weeks we will get to hold this little bundle of joy and fall in love with everything about her! As excited as we are, I am now wishing time would slow down just a little. I still have projects that I want to get done, baby stuff I need to get ready, and time I want to spend with Tyler...just the two of us. I sometimes feel like a bad person because I am going to miss the time I spend with just my husband but I know that when baby girl comes we will wonder how we ever lived without her. Until then I will work on getting everything ready and get lots of good sleep because I hear that's hard to come by with a new little one!
Monday, April 23, 2012
Sand Dunes
Last Friday night we went to the sand hills with our buddies. Kinda exciting because last year in April it was too cold to go but Friday was the perfect night. It got me all excited for summertime... particularly in Idaho. There is something special about an Idaho summer. We rode four-wheelers, shot guns, cooked tinfoil dinners, roasted starbursts, and had a good talk around the fire. We love our friends. We love the sand dunes. And we love beautiful Idaho!
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Springtime in St G
Last weekend Tyler and I hopped in the car with Terri, Josh, Hayli, and Blaykli and headed to St George for a weekend with Ty's grandparents. We left Rexburg Wednesday night at 6:00 pm and through a long series of events arrived in St George at 3:45 was the LONGEST drive..with many bathroom breaks:)
On Thursday we visited Zions National Park. It had been a long time since I'd been to Zions and Tyler has never been. We enjoyed the day driving/hiking around the park and exploring the little town of Springdale.
The rest of the week was spent golfing, shopping, eating, playing games, taking naps, and swimming. Sunday was Easter so we had a little Easter egg hunt for my niece Blaykli...she was in heaven!
I love St George any time of year... especially in the spring. The weather was wonderful. Being outdoors was so needed. And spending time with family was the best part of it all. We are sure blessed with an awesome family!
My only request of the whole trip was that on our way home we try to find a Bajios so I could get a chicken green chili salad. I don't know if I believe in pregnancy cravings...I have never had them so I guess we'll see...but Bajio chicken green chili salad is one of the best things on the planet. There are only 4 Bajios left open in Utah and we stopped at one in Spanish Fork. Doesn't it look amazing?
On a different note..I am officially out of my first trimester! I am 14 weeks and counting. This whole pregnancy thing has been a little different than I imagined it would. I remember my mom being pregnant with my brother and sisters and I have been around friends and family members that have been pregnant and none of them really got sick. So at week 6 when the nausea and vomiting started I had no idea what hit me! I was down and out for about 6 work or play or anything. Just me, my bed, and the bathroom! Now at week 14 I only throw up sporadically but the sick feeling in my tummy is pretty much a constant. I am hopeful that the further I get into my second trimester the less nauseous I will feel:)
That paragraph sounds borderline depressing and doesn't portray the excitement around our house. At first it was hard to be excited because all I felt was sickness. One day I came across a talk that put things into perspective for me. It stated that the MOST significant thing women can do here on the earth is to have got me thinking that if having this baby is MORE significant than ANYTHING else I will do during my time here on earth that I can toughen up and do hard things:) We can't wait for October seems so far away. We are grateful, nervous, excited, and scared to death about being parents but we know this little baby will be the best addition to our little family!
Starting to get a little thicker:)
Our Easter weekend in St George was wonderful!
I'm sure being pregnant will get more wonderful!
And Ty my baby, you are wonderful!
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Cruisin' Mexico
Hot sunny days, sandy beaches, drinking pina coladas, and not worrying about school, work, or any other obligations back home. Sounds like a dream right? Well a couple weeks ago this all too often dreamed dream became a reality for us. Ty and I..along with our buddies...cruised on down to Mexico for 7 days. INCREDIBLE is the word I choose to describe our trip! There are many highlights of that blissful week..I tried to narrow it down to the top 5 but had to make it top 6 instead!
Numero Seis: My first time ever in Sin City! Pathetic that I have never been to Vegas but I experienced it for my first time on the way to California. I cannot say that I was super impressed by the's pretty dirty in more that one way..but it was cool to see all the chaos that goes on and now I can at least say I've been:)
Numero quatro: The food in Mexico is amazing... especially the seafood. Everywhere we went Ty and I tried to eat as much authentic mexican food as we could. Shrimp tacos are our favorite! I may or may not have gained a pound..or two:)
Numero tres: The beaches. Mexico has beautiful beaches that I could play on forever. There is something so simple and relaxing about being on a beach with the sun high in the sky and the waves rolling in. Life just seems to all make sense when your lying on the beach.
Numero dos: Ty and I did this cruise for our honeymoon. We wanted to go again but this time with our friends. We talked Hayli and Josh (Ty's sister and her husband) and Kandace and Joey (our good friends from Utah) into going with us. Cruises are meant for groups of people. There are numerous activities on the ship that are constantly going on. It's fair to say that we hit up everything that we could. Kandace, Joe, Hayli, and Josh totally made the trip for us. Thanks for coming guys! We may or may not already be planning the next trip:)
Numero UNO: My number one favorite thing about the trip was being with my husband. Sometimes here at home we get so busy and stressed about the things that go on in life. This trip was a good reminder that we NEED to relax and have a little more fun...kinda a vacation away from life. My husband is my number one...any day.
Numero cinco: Singing karaoke with Hayli and Kandace...we are definitely horrible but if you can't tell we had a blast and that's really all that matters!
Numero quatro: The food in Mexico is amazing... especially the seafood. Everywhere we went Ty and I tried to eat as much authentic mexican food as we could. Shrimp tacos are our favorite! I may or may not have gained a pound..or two:)
Numero tres: The beaches. Mexico has beautiful beaches that I could play on forever. There is something so simple and relaxing about being on a beach with the sun high in the sky and the waves rolling in. Life just seems to all make sense when your lying on the beach.
Numero dos: Ty and I did this cruise for our honeymoon. We wanted to go again but this time with our friends. We talked Hayli and Josh (Ty's sister and her husband) and Kandace and Joey (our good friends from Utah) into going with us. Cruises are meant for groups of people. There are numerous activities on the ship that are constantly going on. It's fair to say that we hit up everything that we could. Kandace, Joe, Hayli, and Josh totally made the trip for us. Thanks for coming guys! We may or may not already be planning the next trip:)
Numero UNO: My number one favorite thing about the trip was being with my husband. Sometimes here at home we get so busy and stressed about the things that go on in life. This trip was a good reminder that we NEED to relax and have a little more fun...kinda a vacation away from life. My husband is my number one...any day.
I love you Ty! Thanks for taking me cruisin'!
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